Speedball, another consideration is the noise floor of the amp. Although the Jungson is dead quiet hooked to my speaker with 90 dB efficiency, it may not be hooked up to a speaker with 102 dB. The BFS reviewer states, although the Jungson is quiet for a SS amp, it is not the quietest the reviewer has heard. So you may have to use the balanced connection on the Jungson to gain that extra 3-5 dB reduced noise floor. Or go for another amp more suited for your speakers, but I doubt you can get a SET amp of high quality anywhere near the price of the Jungson. I think you can get the stereo amp version of the 88D for under 1K which is really an absolute bargain. But this is all conjecture as I have not heard the Jungson through a speaker that efficient. Good luck.