Help me with a major amp upgrade...


I need your help and recommendations...

I am looking for a great 2 channel amp to power my speakers (Mezzo Utopia) which are part of 2 channel / HT setup. My current gear comprises of the Mezzo (accompanied by a Center Utopia and Elektra 905 as rears), Integra Research RDC7 as the processor, Electrocompaniet EMC1 and Marantz DV8400 as source and an Elektra Reference 5 channel amp. I am using ensemble cabling and PC’s as well.

I listen to a lot of 2 channel and while I rally like the setup (for both 2 channel and Movies/SACD/DVDA – all sound great) I am thinking about a major upgrade, starting with the Amp.

My budget is around $5K for the amp. What I want (guess everyone wants that…) is great clarity in the mids, big soundstage and good bass. I listen to Jazz, vocals, etc.

Any recommendation guys? I am not looking for tubes (although the Mezzo is very efficient) and would like to avoid huge amps (all of this sits in my living room…).

I am open to any suggestions and your help would be greatly appreciated...


Look at what Kora has to offer. You can find integrateds and separates on the Audiogon at great prices. The Koras are tubed, and sound wonderful from top to bottom.
Please read the reviews on the Rowland M201. They are mono amps but very small. I love mine and listen to similar music. Best part, you can get them used for about $3200. I am telling you these amps are just fantastic. Great resale value as well.
I recentley got a McIntosh C46 Pre-amp and a McIntosh 402 Power amp. I started checking them out after reading Absolute Sound's outstanding reviews. To me they sound absolutely wonderful, at least when paired with B & W Nautilus 800s.
I would also check out Steve McCormack's DNA-500. Very dynamic, musical and great presentation - "as if you are there". I just got one after listening to all the "big names" and its even "livingroom friendly", i.e., it will fit in your rack! Read the reviews and see what you think....
Thank you all. I appreciate the feedback and suggestions. It seems that I have a lot of good options and my problem is that I can not demo the units in my house before I buy the amp. I will do some more reading I guess and then just buy one of these and see if it makes me happy....

