Finish Quality of Von Schweikert VR4jr's

I have a system consisting of an EAD Ultradisc as transport, a Benchmark DAC, an ARC LS-15 preamp, Gamut D200 amp and VR4jr speakers, and find I am hearing some "grunge", for a lack of a better word, in the leading edge of vocals. There seems to be an edge to the sound, not a sweetnes , and I am seeking some ideas of what I might change to rid the system of the sound.
I realize the description is a bit week, but all comments will be appreciated.
Carl: Like Steakster, I am focusing on the cables you are using as a possibility. What cables are they?
Jtinn, I am curreently using a set of bi-wire cables made for Usher by , I believe, Acoustic Zen. They are under the Rapport label, and are made in the US for Usher. I also have Blue Heaven, single runs, available. I would like to try a true Bi-wire, but currently I am bypassing the jumper cable and going to the Tweeter and woofer on each speaker.
Can you suggest a cable that would be appropiate yet not break the bank?
I use Nordost Red Dawn from the pre to amp, Blue Heaven from the Dac to Pre, and Stereovox from the CD to DAC.
A partial cleaning with ProGold did help, and I might just be expecting too much ease of listening from the CD's.Many still seem to me to be hard to truely enjoy, especially the more commercial stuff.

Carl, these really benefit from bi-wiring. I have them in a system that tends to be warm. I recommend you try good copper interconnects and or speaker wire. While I haven't heard your dac I have read a lot of comments on it and don't think it is the culprit. The dac I went with is an older Museatex IDAT with a custom power supply. The choice on the IDAT was made after auditioning a jolida, consonance cd120 and arcam. All were plugged directly into wall but were bested by the IDAT. Try to demo a power conditioner and cables. The speakers performance will change with each component change. I too have the rear tweeter set at 2 o'clock. Hope this helps.
Phil, Just got a biwire set of the Verbatim cables thet VSA is currently using, and so far I'm a fan. While they are still quite new, and my listening has been limited, I think I am hearing things with them that I didn't hear before, certainly more spatial info. The designer says give them 300 hours to fully break in, so in a couple of months, I'll be better able to know the amount of improvement they may make.