YBA Passion Integrated or ML 383

Does anybody have experience with both?
The YBA Passion integrateds have recently been released in 3 new models: the 100, 200, and 300 Passion Integres. Check out the YBA web site for more info. Based on what I've read about these two brands the YBA may be more "tube-like" in character whereas the ML may be more "detailed." It also might depend on what else you're using it with.
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The link from Google does not work. Here is the actual web site:


By my "tube-like" comment I meant that the YBA appears to make tube lovers happy, meaning it does not sound too sterile or SS. On the warm and rich side but still detailed. I have not heard the amp myself (I would like to someday!) but have researched it extensively parsing together an overview of its character from a wide range of comments. Enough to interest me should I ever decide to move away from tubes.
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IMHO, the Passion is just about the sweetest 100 SS watts out there. Yes indeed: rich, warm top to bottom, innards beautifully constructed. Anybody know the pricing on the new Passion line? Specs? The website is a tease, but I'm sure these babies are going to deliver. I've been a Yba fan since the first Integre.