Best Integrated Amp, Price no obstacle?

I listen to mostly classical and some acoustic jazz,
I would prefer a one box Integrated for space reasons
and I think solid state...but I could be talk in to or "auditioned in to" a tube piece.
Your thoughtful advice is appreciated.

Thank you.
I am a reviewer for PF online, My favorites in order are:

2) YBA Passion
3) Edge G3

I currently own the G3 and will be writing a review for it soon. Truth be told the only reason I don't own the YBA is that it did not fit on my rack (too long). This is not to knock the G3, I really enjoy the G3, fast, clean and great punchy bass. Dollar for Dollar I would rearange the list with the G3 & YBA being equally in first place.You really cannot go wrong with any on my list, ot most of the ones listed here. However, I was pretty disapointed in the MF gear...
thanks Panderso for the correction.

I read the post quickly before work and gave my 2 cents in a hurry.
the Tenor OTL 75Wi integrated monoblocks are easily the finest integrated amps i have heard. you will need a reasonably easy speaker to drive.....hopefully at least 90db efficient and a fairly flat 6-8 ohm load with no big dips in the impeadence curve.

most Kharma speakers are good matches for this amp.