Power for Thiel 7.2

Would two (2) Classe Ca 301 in mono mode be enough (600 w at 8 and 1200 at 4) or a single Krell stereo mode at 400 w channel 8 ohm 800 4 ohm.
Which way to go?
I think the jury is still out for the 7.2 for me. I believe my crossovers on the Lexicon MC12B were not properly set.
My main concern is lack of bass slam. For music in general it is wonderful. I am also thinking of changing my cables from MIT to Transparent.
Any thoughts?
My IConnects are shotgun 330 MIT.
I power CS6s with a Krell 400cx and there is no lacking in any one sonic area. The sound is luscious and simply the best I have heard; while very fine products, I really don't belive that Classe or any of the other amps, with the exeption of Pass makes a better amp than Krell's current line of FPB amplifiers. But then that's my opinion and not surprising since I own that amp. Conrad Johnson is also great through Thiels.

The key is current producing capability. You've got to be able to produce current at that low impedance dip below 3 Ohms that the 7.2s and other Thiel models have, otherwise that part of the frequency response will suffer a bit (the high bass region as I remember for the 7.2s.

I also used to have 7s powered by Bryston 7BSTs with good, but not great results.

I am using all Audioquest cabling, Anaconda for inteconnects and Volcano for my speakers. I have not done any experimenting with cabling so I can't comment. I did upgrade from Audioquest Bedrock to the Volcano and got a huge boost in bass response. I think the larger gage along with better materials is what made the difference here.

If you are looking for better bass response then in general IMO the bigger the amp irregardless of which one you choose will be your best bet. As long as it is of high quality such as Pass, Conrad Johnson, Krell or Classe' all great amplifiers.


Nice speakers! I use Mac 501's with 3.6's with excellent results. I would strongly recommend you upgrade your cables from 330 shotgun to oracle or 350 evo shotgun. The difference is not subtle, I have used many mits in the past including 330 shotgun, now I use 350 reference and 350 shotgun evo. More of everything in spades. Some cable companies have a best bang for the buck in the middle to top/middle of the line but from my experience the higher up the chain with MIT the difference is huge.
I suggest monoblock BEL 1001s or Theta Dreadnoughts. Both will be excellent with your speakers.