Power for Thiel 7.2

Would two (2) Classe Ca 301 in mono mode be enough (600 w at 8 and 1200 at 4) or a single Krell stereo mode at 400 w channel 8 ohm 800 4 ohm.
Which way to go?
Why don't you try some MIT cabling preferably Oracle. It has nice tonall balance with a lot of detail but never harsh or fatiguing. May be just what you miss.

BTW told you to get SIM AUDIO
I have used both the Thiels and Watt/Puppies (my current) speakers. They are very different but share one common characteristic: they are highly detailed, sometimes sounding analytical or a little bright to the point of hardness, especially with less than perfect source.

I found that the MIT CVT cables, while not ideal for other speakers, match the Thiels and W/P very well because they tend to soften the top end just a tad.

Likewise, I found that a pair of BAT VK-60--the newer SE-75 should be even better--can drive these speakers to great satisfaction because of good match in strengths and weaknesses. The midrange is glorious, the top end detailed and smooth. Only the bottom end could be a little tighter and deeper, but I use a subwoofer so that's not a big problem. The solid-state amps I've tried delivered better bass but none could properly handle the speakers' top end. Of course, I haven't tried everything.
A Bryston 14BSST works very well with mine. I have heard them at Thiel with the Krell 600, and they sound nice. Be careful on cables, some with network boxes that claim to enhance imagery, actually do so by boosting the top end. If you lower the volume to compensate for the boosted top end, you might think you have lack of bass.
I know you guys will laugh but when I first got my Jolida 302B prior to finding the Meadowlark Kestral2s for a second system, I tried the 302B with the CS6 via the four Ohm taps. You know it didn't sound that bad and I was pleasantly suprised. Of course reinstalling the Krell brought them back to full conciousness.

So, yeah, tubes can work with Thiels.