Request for assistance please room treatment

I do have it treated now, but I don't think it's correct. I need to treat it properly. I've tried a multitude of different positions, absorption, diffusion, trapping, etc. and my walls are starting to look like swiss cheese. I'm at the point now where I need to strip the room, putty, sand, and paint. But when I re-install the room treatments, they have to go in the correct position the first time. This is where your assistance comes in. I've tried many different web sites and so on, but it all seems best guess. I'm hoping to lean upon your "experience".
My room is 22'long, 11'wide, and 7'4" high, and is in a finished concrete basement. I look forward to reading your suggestions.
Thank You.
When you have put that much effort into room treatments and are holistically unsatisfied, I suggest the solution is not more of the same, but rather to upgrade components.
In order to do this right you really need to get a hold of the XLO test CD - it will walk you through the correct way to approach room treatments. Trial and error just doesn't work. Been there done that.
I am also wondering what exactly your room treatments are trying to fix? There are some holy books out there now. I forget the title but it's something like "Get Better Sound Now" ..??? not sure but you see it mentioned all the time with his advice to get your components out from between your speakers. Did you try to search for old threads on the topic, that may prove useful.