Perhaps the reviewer's follow-up article (likely prompted by this thread) might shed some light on the matter: YMMV.
Is this ludicrous or not?
Perhaps the reviewer's follow-up article (likely prompted by this thread) might shed some light on the matter: YMMV. Max |
Mghcanuck,I don't believe that Ebaen's article addressed the point of my post. I mentioned that I use Mr. Walker's Extreme SST and think its great stuff that brings a final resolution to an already great piece of gear or an overall system. My point was it should not have to be a necessity in order to get a pair of almost 40 grand pair of amps to function properly! So his explanation of the how and why the silver treatment works is ok,but begs the question of it being a necessity for these bad sounding amps to sound good at all. |
A few final thoughts about Ebaen's article concerning the Walker Extreme SST. When someone purchases a world class tube amp,for example something like the great sounding LAMM ML1.1's,they don't have to tweak them to sound like a world class reference. They already are. Now,to add the Walker Extreme SST to give them that last bit of resolution makes perfact sense. So,all Ebaen did in his article was try to "cover his butt" with a rationalization about tube amps in general in comparsion to solid state amps. I like the way he tried to "spin it" that this GON post somehow casted aspersions regarding the Walker Extreme SST tweak. Mr. Ebaen,to use his own words,put this very fine and relatively in expensive tweak on the level of "hyperbole,mysticism,and plain old B.S.",by including it in his totally ludicrous reveiw of some over priced(almost 40 grand) bad sounding tube amps. You put your foot in your mouth,Srajan,you did not need any help from us on Audiogon. |
I have not read the review ,but I have this stuff thats claimed to be better then the Walker,and YES IT REALLY DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE.Its called Xtreme Quick Silver Audio & Video Contact Enhancer,and no I don't sell the stuff.I applied it to all the pins in my tube preamp,tube power amp,cartridge pins,tonearm male din plug at base of arm,and literally everywhere else I could think of and my ARC VT-60 is singing and my old CJ PV-5 has this bass slamm and these highs that extend out forever,and the biggest improvement was at the other end of the signal listening to this stuff through my Martin Logan Quest Z speakers already noted for its midband reproduction.I hear real musicians playing in my living room,the system sounds like your in the actual venue while the recording session is taking place.Well this is the best $70.00 tweak I ever bumped into,so go try this stuff and really enjoy your system. |