Intregrated Amp for Thiel 2.4 s

I am getting a pair of Thiel 2.4s in a 15ft x 20 ft room. Any recommendations from owners? Thiel are rated 4 Ohms (minimim 3 ohms). Budget is flexible $1500-$4500. I like to spend less. I have a Rogue 90 amp, is it enough for CS2.4?

Krell 400xi (a little concern with JA's test in stereophile)

Bat 300xse
Musical fidelity A5, trivista or KW500
Unico SE (140W)
Pathos logos

I don't like ML 383 and Rowland concerto.

Classical, Chamber, Jazz, no rock.

Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
I decided I had to have the Thiels 2.4 after I heard them on the MF KW500. I don't have enought experience to tell you what is better that what other than to say I gained new respect for the 2.4 when I heard them thru that amp. The B&W equipment in the room at 2x the price was still not matching the 2.4 which will be bested by the new 3.6 replacement design early '06.

The KW500 simply has the fine details in the uppers and resonances and balance the Thiels will give you for the music you've listed above. My custom amp has the power to run the 2.4s all day, but not the details. It's better than the intergrated Mackies they had... KW500 all the way IMHO.

Give us an update as I see it's been a while since this thread was started.

I've been accused of coming into the store just to hear my music on that amp as I'm scrounging the money for the kW500 in such a way the wife won't complain. The accusations are correct and the thiels are still waiting for there master (amp) at home.
Have sinced owned many amps on Thiels 2.4 at home. Pass x250.5, Classe 2200, Rogue 90, Belcanto evo4, KW500. They all have plus & minuses. best synergy probably x250.5 but not an integrated. KW 500 is very satifying too. Strongest bass. Rogue 90 is a good amp & does an okay job.