Upgrade time way past : Amp/Pre or Int for $1000

I have been an impoverished student for the past decade. Nonetheless, during that time I tried to build a good sounding system. My primary route of acquisition was through gifts (see below) and places like Audiogon or local audio resellers. Always, my goal was to buy the best possible product I could purchase for the money that I had saved (sort of the "best athlete available" on draft day).

Unfortunately, the amount of money saved was typically not very much. Also, I purchased some products (read the sub) to fix a problem (read poor bass output) that likely was not a fault of my speakers (read not enough power from the HK 3550). This has resulted in what may be an overall motley "system", which is as follows:

KEF Reference One speakers
HK 3550 integrated amp/pre/receiver (a gift)
MSB Link DAC I modded by Modwright
Marantz DR700 or Pioneer DV656A as transport (a gift)
Paradigm PW-2200 Subwoofer
cables from Modwright in trade

In all, I spent $1500 on the above, specifically for the speakers, DAC, sub, and cables. Given that the KEFs went for $2000 when I got them, I feel I did OK.

Still, I need to get a better amplification set-up, especially in light of the fact that I really like the KEFs and they require more power than I currently have. Given that I have decided to choose lifestyle over earnings, I am resigned to never being able to make that leap to truly expensive audio equipment. Even so, I should be able to get a nice amp/pre match or integrated for between $1000 and $1500 (likely used), right?

So, the question:

What would be a good amp/preamp combo or integrated amp for the $1000-1500 price range that provides enough power for the KEFs?

Suggestions? Help? Criticism on the length of my post?

Seriously, thanks for any responses.
Aball: Thanks for the suggestions and sorry for the omission (the post was so long already). I prefer warm sound, but with solid definition at the vocals and with crisp bass. I like several kinds of music, ranging from classical to rock to jazz to blues to Cowboy Junkies (my favorite!).

Tgrisham: Interesting . . . I am seriously considering the 5350SE. I haven't seen stereophile give any product a better review. Not that someone else's opinion is necessarily definitive, just helpful.

FYI, I have started leaning toward integrateds. Here are some of the ones that have popped up on my radar (other than the 5350SE):

Portal Panache
JoLida JD-302B
JoLida 1501RC
Jungson 88D
Cayin TA-60 (new TA-30)
Rogue Audio Tempest II (out of price range unless used)
Musical Fidelity A300

I recognize that, other than the Creek and MF, these are tube or hybrid integrateds. But they seem to be very well regarded and would be great if they can drive the KEF load.

Anyone have an opinion on these? Or a suggestion for another SS? Thanks.

Here is what I am doing FWIW.
I have had separate preamp and amp setups and about two years ago went with a used Musical Fidelity A 300 integrated.
I have been pretty happy with it but recently decided to have it modded by Tube Research Labs whom makes highly regarded high end preamps/amps(multi thousand $ units).

They did a mod on the unit at their standard $550 mod rate which is what they charge for their well reviewed digital/transport/DAC mods.

They were very happy with the MF A300 results after mods and were very surprised with how far they took this modest integrated unit.

I get the unit back this week, and am very excited.
It was already a good unit. If you are interested in how it turns out you can email me privately. I will also post something about it here on Agon after some break in.

I went this route as I wanted to improve my pre and amp but also did not want to spend huge bucks on a another integrated or separates. I have had other TRL modded units and they do an excellent job.

The MF A300 goes for around $750-900 here on Agon it appears, so with the mod you are up to 1300-1400.

We will see how it turns out, but I am really looking forward to it.

Good luck in your search.
There are SO MANY good integrated amps on the market and all are sonically very good with a few different flavors.
Let me say something about the Creek, it is good sounding but in its standard form, it uses a passive volume control which doesn't ramp up very rapidly giving the impression that it is less powerful than it is. They do have a active module that ups the gain but I feel it is somewhat of a compromise sonically. Might want to try one first considering your load.
The other integrated amps are good choices also, certainly nothing wrong with the Classe or the MF (might want to even consider the A3.2 amp and matching preamp used.
My next suggestion would be in your price range, you might want to find a used Belles 150a Hotrod power amp or a McCormack DNA .5 (or 125.) You can mate then with a good passive preamp or my preference, the Audible Illusions L-1 tubed preamp. This would bring top notch sound in at around your $1500 mark. This combo will not make any apologies to some much higher equipment.
So many good choices in this range. Have fun.
Buy a used Bryston 3B amp and either a Bryston/Nakamichi CA-5/Rotel RC-960BX pre-amp. You should spend no more than $800 and have a wonderful set-up. Most likely the Bryston's will still be under warranty. Something to consider when buying used!
Bang for the buck...
Don't overlook one of the AMC units for sale here at Audiogon.
Excellent sound and you'll have money left over.
I, in no way shape or form have ANYTHING to do with any party's selling the AMC units.
Just had one once upon a time and know that for the money they're hard to beat.