Thanks Arthur for your time and knowledge. I am embarrassed about my speakers, but okay-dont laugh, I have 4 901's...
But only 2 are being used for obvious reasons. Also, using a Yamaha 1000W powered sub. My speaker selection really shows my newness! Yes I plan on selling all my speakers, but that is next weeks project. Do you have speaker recommenations? Actually, the 901's do sound good if you have the room for the 87% reflected sound they spew. Also, they need the right amp. But i digress.
I do know that my recent upgrade from an MC-2205 to an MC-252 made a world of difference. Of course, the price difference was world's apart. Being new, I only can know the meaning of 'warm'= 'fat', and I guess 'cool' is meaning 'thin'or 'bright'? But 'involved' and 'analytical'are descriptions i do not yet understand.
I do like warm. I dont like harsh, ear fatigue boxes. But love the highs. I guess I want it all. Right now, I have the CDP straight into MC-252. Using, nervously, the CDP's remote control volume to attenuate gain. Carefully making sure the CDP volume is at minimum before powering up the amp. (no gain control on amp). Will failing to do this bring amp to max gain when switched on? Anyway, again, I thank you for bearing with my newbieness and you help.
But only 2 are being used for obvious reasons. Also, using a Yamaha 1000W powered sub. My speaker selection really shows my newness! Yes I plan on selling all my speakers, but that is next weeks project. Do you have speaker recommenations? Actually, the 901's do sound good if you have the room for the 87% reflected sound they spew. Also, they need the right amp. But i digress.
I do know that my recent upgrade from an MC-2205 to an MC-252 made a world of difference. Of course, the price difference was world's apart. Being new, I only can know the meaning of 'warm'= 'fat', and I guess 'cool' is meaning 'thin'or 'bright'? But 'involved' and 'analytical'are descriptions i do not yet understand.
I do like warm. I dont like harsh, ear fatigue boxes. But love the highs. I guess I want it all. Right now, I have the CDP straight into MC-252. Using, nervously, the CDP's remote control volume to attenuate gain. Carefully making sure the CDP volume is at minimum before powering up the amp. (no gain control on amp). Will failing to do this bring amp to max gain when switched on? Anyway, again, I thank you for bearing with my newbieness and you help.