Which is the best solid state poweramp under $9000

I currently own a Classe CA-400 and a CA-301 power amp but I'm getting the bug to upgrade. I'm willing to sell both of these amps to buy one better one whether it's a single stereo amp or a pair of mono blocks. I do need a amp with high power and good current as the amp will be driving my Magnepan's 3.6R's or my B&W N802's. Could anyone recommend a better solid state power amp than what I have at a retail price of not much more than $9000.00 ? I am thinking of the McIntosh MC-501 mono amps, but both my Classe's have a little more power. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Uriah
McCormack DNA-2 Revision A, Gold, or Platinum. You may be able to find one at about half the $9000 price.

That's where I ended up. The Pass will do a good job, but still despite the hassle of toobs, they are still best sounding. Not a lot of choices though. VTL, Manley, ARC.
ARC at 300 watts being the lower powered of the bunch. The Manleys do a splendid job on mine.

Trust me I know what a pain toobs can be.

My First Choice - Try to find a Used pair of Lamm M1.1's, M1.2's or M2.1's or M2.2's and you will never look back! endless current!

The Rowland 501's would also make a nice match and they don't generate any heat.

Lastly tireguy used Parasound JC-1 monoblocks to power his 3.6 and loved that combo. these run class A to 25watts.
I would look at Steve McCormack's DNA-500. Incredible power, detail,imaging and musicality for $7K list. I'm driving 4 ohm speakers effortlessly with the DNA's 900w into 4 ohms.
Check out the new Belles 350A reference monoblocks.
Also the Belles 150A reference monoblocks are excellent as well.SoundStage double reviewer's choice award http://www.soundstage.com/revequip/belles_150a_reference.htm.