Good Integrated for Totem Forests? Pathos?BAT?

So I'm looking to purchase an integrated amp to match my Totem Forests and was wondering what people thought. I have a Sony SCD-1 and Analysis Plus cables. I'm looking/looked at the following integrated amps but would consider others of course:

Balance Audio Technology VK-300XSE (havn't heard, but very recommended)
Pathos Logos (Loved the sound, is it powerful enough?)
Accustic Arts Power 1 (haven't heard, but reviews are great)
Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista (have heard briefly, but wonder about match w/forests)
Plinius 9200 (sounded unfocused and boomy IMO)
Simaudio Moon i-7 (just announced, but love simaudio/totem match)
YBA Passion Integre (only read reviews)

So your thoughts on these? Right now I'm leaning towards the Pathos and the BAT, but wonder if anyone has heard them w/Forests (or Proac D15s, which are similar). I wonder how much of the Pathos attraction is the look of it. Also, like that the BAT has a phono stage; is it any good? Also, for you forest owners, any thoughts on how much power you think they need to really shine?


I using a Sony TA-F808ES intergrated with my coincident conquests (very similiar to forests) , SCD777ES, and matching coincident cables.
the Sony TA-F808ES is a real impressive vintage peice(if you can find one.
I bought mine from a guy in Hong Kong.
I have had NAD 370, Plinius 8200 and Krell integrated.
the Sony has better sonics then all of them for my ears...
On the right path......BAT would be great, M-F tough to beat also, How about Mcintosh?? Krell will be fast and revealing. Plinius has had good reviews but I have not auditioned. Nor the Moon.

My 3 to audition = BAT, Mcintosh, M-F. you can't lose !!!
the totem forest speakers are one of their easier speakers to drive compared to their other models. I would audition the mcintosh ma6900, ma6500 (might be on the lower power side), classe, and the dk design vs1. i used to own the mcintosh integrated and just sold my classe seperates and went with the dk vs1 integrated to power my mani 2's, which need a lot more power to drive than the forests. so far, i am very pleased with the sound. i switched tubes and the unit is still breaking in.
good luck
i know you are going to get lots of opinions from lots of different people - so here is mine.

i used a musical fidelity tri vista integrated amp with my totem forests for about a year, and also with totem mani2 sigs for about 10 months. the performance of the forests with tri vista was absulutely stunning. i cannot recommend this combination highly enough. you can contact me directly for more details, but i LOVED this system.

the 'gon is swimming in used tri vista integrated amps right now - i'll bet you can get one for $3400 or so. give it a try. i doubt that you will be let down.