What's the better, High Powered SS Amp?

Anyone have experience comparing high powered solid state amps?
What's best in driving inefficient speaker's such as mbl's etc...

McIntosh 1201's
Simaudio Moon Rocks
Pass Labs X600 or X1000's
Classe Omega's
Any other's?......

other than mbl amps.

What's most important to me is dynamics, resolution and lack of grain especially at the treble region. I listen to jazz, vocals, acoustic music most of the time.
I've tried a number of SS amps and have listened to a number of tube and SS systems. I've yet to find an equal to the McCormack DNA-2 Revision A amplifier.

This amp requires a dedicated line for the dynamics to soar. And some to much of the 'lack of grain' comes from proper line conditioning and good ics and scs. That's assuming of course the amp itself isn't contributing audibly to the grain.

Need a bit more system information, but given your priorities I would recommend Boulder's current offerings and the Classe Omega. Neither is fatiguing for SS and both have the characteristics you described. Good luck!