I will ask a dumb question on power conditioners

....what is the difference between a power conditioner and a power distribution unit ???? I saw the site for these here on Audiogon and I noticed that there are in fact two types of units being sold. 40 years in this hobby and I understand power conditioners....but what is the difference and what are each used for ????
...hello again, and I would like to restart this thread as the OP and if no responses I will possibly start a new one as I would appreciate any opinions on the Silver Circle products - the 5.0Se or the Tchaik 6 in particular .......
Start a new thread since now you are asking for advise on power conditioner/regenerators. If you have a high quality system, this is what you should be looking for.
....hello Lowrider57 ....and thank you for yuor response. Are you speaking from personal experience on the Silver Circle products ????
No, Garebear. Just reading the excellent reviews. I think a new thread that is specifically asking about power conditioner/regenerators will get you replies. List your system and budget.
Also there are many for sale used in the classifieds.
I ended up purchasing the Silver Circle 5.0SE - and I will say it has made a nice musical change to my system .... very organic sound.....it has '' cleaned '' the sound up