Spectron Musician 3 First Impressions?

I just installed my Spectron Musician 3 into my system. I had a 2A3 amp powering 96db Epiphany 12/12s. Out of the box, ice cold, the Spectron was incredible! The tonality was spot on with the 2A3 tube amp! The harmonic structure was 85% of the tube amp, and this was with less than 4 hours on the Spectron! The Spectron bettered the 2A3 in 3 major ways: 1.) Increased detail with no loss of sweetness 2.) Deeper bass with more control, 3.) Both micro & macro dynamics! Spectron says it takes 3-4 weeks of 24/7 at medium volume before the amp sounds its best. Has anyone else had a chance to listen to this incredible amp?????

Note: I am not affiliated with Spectron.
In the defense with regards to 6moons and others;
I understand the V-cap is a 600 hr break in and some may jump to conclusions.
I understand the V-cap is a 600 hr break in and some may jump to conclusions.

I agree, I have read similar break in time for V-caps. I think they stated at the Tempo Electric shootout that the V-caps had the longest recommended break in time (400hrs) among the caps in the shoot out.
"How does the Spectron compare to the Sander Sound Amp"

These are very different designs. Spectron is class D and Sanders, as he explain his bias, is class B - may be A/AB but for 3 watts only

Spectron peak power 3400 watts, Sanders 2000 watts;
Duration: Spectron 500msec, Sanders: "momentarely";
Peak voltage, Spectron 120v, Sanders - 90 volts .

Weakness in design: Sanders uses usual negative feedback which produces odd orders harmonics and Spectron's negative feedback is 10 times faster - so practically no odd harmonics, particularly at the peaks when sound can reach ear piercing levels

Sound - I listen to Sanders but it could be not in optimal system so I will not comments here

Al; The Best