Which Audio Research gears are classics?

Which ones to hunt down on used market?
The D79 si by far the most desirable.I use to own a solid state monster the ARC D110B which was great on bass, The SP-6B and the Preamp SP-8.
I wish I would have kept those preamp's still today.The SP-6
could warm u up nicely on a cold winter night.But I think
I would take a D79 Amp and mate it with a SP-11 Preamp and then I would be very happy on my stranded Island provided I had electricity. Happy Hunting!
The above responses are right on, I have never owned an Audio Research product I didn't like but had some that really stood out in terms of sound quality. I think the ARC LS-1 represents an excellent value for its used price but is often overlooked because there are no Audiogon reviews or posts on it. I have compared the LS-1 to the LS2 & found the LS-1 to be more transparent, with very good dynamics.
I like the D-75A, got one from a friend and restored it with 99.99% original parts. Its 70WPC and all tube, baby! Generates a lot of heat but it has been reliable; weighs a ton. Have not heard much about this amp here, but its very very nice, great sounding.
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