Hi -
Beyond the forums here and at AA you can find a wealth of information at Vacuum Tube Valley. According to one of their incredibly well researched tube profiles, the KT88 was a descendant of the 6550 which in itself was designed to meet the need for a low cost, high power tube. Both were introduced in the mid-50s, with the KT88 capable of taking more voltage. The even lower cost, lower power EL-34 was introduced by Philips in 1954 - one year before the 6550s and three years before the 88s.
According to VTV "because they (34s) were low in cost, they had a lot less "hard" vacuum and a less rigid structure than 6550s... most 34s have a softer distortion tone (in guitar applications) than 6550s because of construction differences".
I have a heavily modded Cary SLA70 which runs EL34s, 6550s or KT88s in triode or ultralinear. I got it used here on the 'Gon and it came with quads of both Svet and Sovtek 34s. I then got a set of older Teslas which offered a considerable improvement.
Happiness set in the day a quad of used Tungsol 6550s showed up. I have never even wanted to listen to 34s again. The 6550s have more slam, a lot more air and expanded my soundstage towards "you are there" dimensions. Color me happy - but some of this could be about comparing best of breed with middle of the road manufacturing.
FWIW The designers who want max watts use KT88s
Beyond the forums here and at AA you can find a wealth of information at Vacuum Tube Valley. According to one of their incredibly well researched tube profiles, the KT88 was a descendant of the 6550 which in itself was designed to meet the need for a low cost, high power tube. Both were introduced in the mid-50s, with the KT88 capable of taking more voltage. The even lower cost, lower power EL-34 was introduced by Philips in 1954 - one year before the 6550s and three years before the 88s.
According to VTV "because they (34s) were low in cost, they had a lot less "hard" vacuum and a less rigid structure than 6550s... most 34s have a softer distortion tone (in guitar applications) than 6550s because of construction differences".
I have a heavily modded Cary SLA70 which runs EL34s, 6550s or KT88s in triode or ultralinear. I got it used here on the 'Gon and it came with quads of both Svet and Sovtek 34s. I then got a set of older Teslas which offered a considerable improvement.
Happiness set in the day a quad of used Tungsol 6550s showed up. I have never even wanted to listen to 34s again. The 6550s have more slam, a lot more air and expanded my soundstage towards "you are there" dimensions. Color me happy - but some of this could be about comparing best of breed with middle of the road manufacturing.
FWIW The designers who want max watts use KT88s