NAD 3140 - I know nothing

I have just bought this NAD 3140 integrated amp and know nothing about it at all. In fact, I know nothing about hi fi at all, but I love well-reproduced music (jazz, classical, really old blues and other American "roots" music, and lots more besides), so I want to start learning. Unfortunately, my budget is extremely meagre.

I've searched around on the 'net and found references to a legendary NAD 3020 and a few others. They all seem to be well thought of, but nothing about this one, even specifications - and I don't even know how many watts output it has!

What I'd be most gratful for would be recomendations for cheap old speakers to match it, and a tuner too. Because I've read that CD players are more likely to be faulty, I've been thinking of using a new DVD player with it to play CDs (and kill two birds with one stone - I'll be able to watch DVDs too) - is that a good idea?

Just can't seem to get this kind of advice down here in New Zealand!
i second the recommendation on the paradigm speakers as well as the nht. at your $ level, imo, these will be a great place to start. btw, you will be pleasantly surprised at the quality of sound you can afford by purchasing used speakers or demos. REMEMBER...decent speaker cables, not real $$$, but keep in mind this is how the speakers will get that tiny bit of electricity to power them and it is a potential weak link. just my advice, we all had to learn this lesson over the years i think.
I would recommend this speaker.

I have them and like them a lot.
Thanks Gonglee3 - But I'm in New Zealand, so shipping from the US is a problem - and this seller only ships witin the US anyway. But I'll look for the MB Quart 240 here.
By the way, can anybody tell me what the button on the rear of the unit marked "S.L.C." does? It's next to the "soft clipping" button, which I think I understand.
I own the 3225PE basically a 25 watter with power envelope circuitry making it sound like 35-40 watts/ch. Its a great amp very similar to 3020 but circa 1990/91.

These little Nad somehow drive the Mission speakers beautifully, at the moment Ihave it connected to Mission 760iSE circa 1994 doing computer duty.

If you can get Missions in New Zealand put them on your list for audition and see if it appeals to you.

Hope it helps :)