Is there any way to get into tubes for super cheap

I have now been bitten by the bug. I will slowly build a system for music and theater, but have been hearing all kinds of praise for the tube world.
To be honest I have never in my life heard a tube system and until recently thought that onkyo and carver were the best in audio.
What is a good way to get started with a tube system?
What pieces are needed to really be able to make a good judgement?
I have no TT and usually listen to cds, Is there any hope for me?
I think I would like to do this pretty much all vintage, for me that is 10 years or older.
I don't think that cheap can be overstated in this case.
I'll throw in my 2 cents for the PrimaLuna Prologue 1. It is my first tube amp. My criteria were build quality, sound and ease of use. I have few precious seconds to myself with 2 small kids and I wanted something I could just turn on and play music. The P1 has exceeded all my expectations for a reasonable price.
Antique Sound Labs has the successor components to the old wave amps. Now, there up to 20 wpc as monoblocks with an accompanying pre-amp. The total cost for all three chassis is under around $700, I think.
Try this gentleman:

Built to order, under $1000. Saw some of his work at the GPAF, I'm going to order one of the Akido 2A3's soon.

Plus, he and his wife are very cool!


I bought a Conrad Johnson PV-5 with an ARC VT-60,after being away from tubes for 20 years and I'm glad I did.
I'm never turning back again,and I'm back into spinning LP's once more.Once u taste it your hooked!