Las Vegas


I know that there are many people interested in music in this wonderful city of distraction! Let's hear from you and enhance our experience together. To me, this is a sure bet!

Paul(Green Valley)
Hi Dave....good to hear from you, too!
What's your system? Any recommendations for good dealers in town?
Right now, I have;

Bryston 4BSST amp and BP6P preamp

JBL S4700 speakers

Technics 1210M5G turntable

Onkyo DX-7555 cd player

Well, the only real high end dealers in town are Premiere on Ft. Apache and Russell. And there's Image, Sound & control on Industrial. That's it.

Talk to ya soon!

Nice system, Dave.
I'd like to upgrade to Bryston one day; I'm an Arcam/Marantz guy right now...

My 2 channel system:
Arcam Alpha 9 integrated;
Arcam Alpha 9 power amp;
bi-amp with B&W 805's;
Kimber Kable 8tc wire
Arcam Alpha 9 CD player
Arcam MCD multi-disc player
Kimber Kable PBJ interconnects
Marantz 6300 turntable (very old school)

I also have a Marantz SR7005 that I use for my TV and dvd viewing; wonderful amp.....use it with Mirage speakers.

Premiere has been my dealer here; my experience has been very positive with them;

That's it.....
Hi Jeff,

Ok, cool. I'm planning on upgrading to another brand. The Bryston is good, but there's better.

Sounds good. That's a very respectable system you have. Much better than what a lot of other people have.

That's good to know. Some dealers can be hard to work with.

So, are we forming the club? haha. :D

Take care,

Hi guys, If you've never been to Audio Expert on the South-east corner of Charleston and Eastern you should go!
The owner Bobby is a nice guy and he can repair just about anything. He also buys and sells used audio gear and will sell something for you for a commission. Walking into his shop is like walking into an audio time warp,stuff from the 60s on up to modern stuff. Lots of fun!
Happy listening, Tish