VAC PHI 2.0 or CTC Blowtorch or...

If anyone has heard these two preamps in the same system; please let me know your thoughts.
MBL 101E speakers
H2O M250 signature monoblocks (trial period)
EMM Labs-modified SACD 1000
Cardas Golden Reference cabling

I think the preamp section of the DCC2 is very good but I'm just wondering what another preamp could do for me. I did a quick comparison with the CAT ('Ultimate' preamp, I think?) and both the owner and I agreed that the DCC2 held its own quite well.

If I keep the M250s, here are my preamp requirements:

1. that it have a very low output impedance to match the low, 8k ohm, input impedance of the M250s.

1a. it should also have a decent power supply to deliver current, drive the M250s, and maximize the dynamics of my system.

2. that it include a phonostage (just in case...)

3. that it have dual XLR outputs in the likely event that I want to use four amps to drive my speakers.

I believe that the VAC Phi 2.0 and the Blowtorch meet all my requirements.
The thing is, I've never heard either one. I do have a local VAC dealer, however.

P.S. The MBL 6010D is another option but I have heard it in an all MBL system and I'm really hoping to find and preamp that gives more density and holographic weight (perhaps a little warmth as well) to vocals and upper midrange images.

Exlibris, I heard my Blowtorch compared with a Meitner late last fall in an all out system. The Blowtorch had cleaner highs, as expressed by the other person, and in my opinion had greater dynamics and threw a bigger stage. The differences were apparent, at least to me.

I heard an H2O amp briefly once, and it was OK but that's all I'll say.

A fellow in Canada is taking delivery of a Blowtorch very soon, so you might have a chance to audition it in his system. Or if you're inclined to do so you could come down to Chicago for a visit. A friend has some definitive opinions on amplification for MBLs.

Can you tell me where in Canada the Blowtorch is going; I'd love to finally hear it? I should note that in order for me to justify the cost of a new preamp, the difference between it and the DCC2 would have to be *significant*.

The reason I'm looking into the H2Os is because I can't afford the big MBL monoblocks or the CAT JL3 monos.
