Integrated amplifier - selection and alternatives

Hi everybody,

I am in the market for an integrated amplifier. The speakers are custom made:2-way, 83db sensitivity in 8 ohms, but they can go as low as 6.2 ohms in the bass region. My guess is that these speakers would love a 100w pc amplification. More is not necesarilly better, less might be not enough.

After I look around couple of alternatives seems interesting and reasonable prices for me:
- Accuphase E-308 (caveat - difficult to find in North America)
- Ayre AX 7 X (caveat - maybe not enough power)
- Krell KAV 400xi (caveat - not as musical as I would like)
- Electrocompaniet ECI-4 (caveat - a little bit overpriced compared with the the others that are bringing in similar qualities).

Being the market for a maximum $5800, which other integrated should I consider in your opinion?

Thank you very much for your time.
I have not heard them but after scrounging around various reviews and what not, from Germany;
Accustic Arts Power Drive 1
Try the new Rowland Concerto. It has 250 wpc of ICE digital power and sounds absolutely gorgeous. It drives my VR-4 HSEs with ease and is a marked improvement over my old BAT VK-300x tube unit. Retail is $5,900, I believe.
I second the Blue Circle NSCS idea.
Blue Circle amps sound beautiful!

Happy listening,