Preamp for Mccormack 0.5 mono

I am looking for a pre with HT bypass <1500.Iwas thinking about Mccormack's RLD1,but have been seeing alot of threads
recommending tubes.Any help is greatly appreciated.
Paul29, don't ignore Steve McC's earlier preamp, the ALD-1 modded. I have just bought a secondhand ALD-1 with Steve's Platinum upgrade and can truly say it is the BEST preamp I have heard. My search for a preamp took me 4 years and within that time I have auditioned countless number of preamps (including tubes), always with the niggling doubt that none were good enough - until the ALD-1 Platinum. I don't want to use hackneyed expressions to describe the musical experience of the ALD-1. All I would say is, if you want the next closest thing to having a band or musicians in your living room you should give the ALD-1 (I imagine the RLD with revision would be the same) a serious listen, if you can get the chance.
I'm getting that feeling the Mccormack's work even better with their own preamps.Does anyone else feel this way?Thanks for your responses.
Paul, how are you. I used ARC LS-15 with my DNA-05 Deluxe with great results, but it does not have SSP throughput. But the newer LS16 does. ARC tube preamps have a very open sound that is a good complement to McCormack amps. I now use my LS-15 with DNA-125 and I love the way the Research sounds with McCormack. I also heard my friend's system, Sonic Frontiers Line-1 with DNA-125 and the results are great. Very smooth sounding combo and Line-1 has SSP. Also try audio assylum for suggestions(search the posts there). Best of luck.
BAT VK3i has an HT pass-thru and worked great with my 0.5. Shoould run you $1-1.5K.