Best tube pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ?

any suggestions ?
Raquel.Would you consider marriage,to me, at a future point?I would not be able to give you a large gemstone,though,as I'd need the cash for the "Hobby"!!

PS--I've got great ears,and am considered to be a great set-up man!Credentials should,obviously, be considered!!!
Speedy Gonzales: Sorry, but "Raquel" is my wife's name. I was trying to place a bid on a cartridge about five years ago and couldn't remember or find my password for my then-user name. My wife was standing beside me, and, the clock on the auction down to a few minutes and lacking a better idea, we did a new user name using her name. I got the cartridge, and now I get marriage proposals from A-Goners. Sorry to disappoint.
Oh the Coherence II is one of the greatest sounding pre amps of all time with unsurpassed built quality. A friend of mine who was a dealer until a few years ago has got a full Rolwand set up - very very nice system indeed.

The only thing is - I donĀ“t know if the Rowland matches my Ayre power amp..?
It will certainly "work" with your Ayre amp, as it has a low output impedence of 50 Ohms and 8 volts of output at all audio frequencies (15 volts into 1 khz.) -- it can drive any amp and just about any length of cable.

Whether the synergy will be what you want is another question. I don't know.