RIP Jillian Johnson The Figs

such a loss... my hometown lost a brilliant light, snuffed out by a maniac.

RIP Jillian.
What was started out as a tribute/memorial to an artist has been hijacked for someone's incoherent political rantings. I see no relevancy of anything Czarivey has stated to the original post. I find this behavior incredibly crass. At a minimum Czarivey owes the OP an apology.
Sorry Vinyldisk for driving topic to truth,
but seriously I'm neither paranoid or silly unlike some posters here who also owe apology
Czarivey, if you look at the long-term history of the FBI, it has harassed members of the left far more than the right. We get it, but we don't think buying more guns is the answer. And we're not silly or paranoid. You saying "I'm not, but you are" is childish and goes against the evidence.
08-04-15: Tostadosunidos
Czarivey, if you look at the long-term history of the FBI, it has harassed members of the left far more than the right

What difference does it make who FBI harass(es/ed) and what history written by hell knows who has to do with that? For what reason Tostadosunidos is all over sudden plural? One person can't be plural unless... Hey who's silly after all all?

Yet, I see no denial here about crimes once in a while committed by government for their own 'dark' interests!
Moreover, stating that possibly crime was created with direct or indirect presence of law enforcement due to increased frequency of similar events across the nation. It's like out of number of written notes, you can recognize handwriting done by same person. Even mass media delivers these reports in exactly same format and mimics -- YAK!

I also haven't mentioned about 'buying more guns', but actually mentioned about resisting criminal actions of law enforcement that now becomes casual dairy. What it has to do with paranoia, probably silly one can find the answer.
Czarivey, sorry if I put words in your mouth--I needed to go back and re-read all that had been said.
My "user name" hasn't changed in all the years I've been on A-gon. It's not suddenly plural. Yes, it is a silly moniker, intentionally so. Lighten up.
Going back to the top, even given the govt. involvement in certain events over the years, it seems wrong to automatically associate the govt. with a given event without some sort of "smoking gun" associated with the particular incident. Do you have evidence indicating govt. involvement in the Lafayette theater shooting?