Tube rolling for Jolida 502B

I have a new Jolida 502 B amp, my first try at tubes. I'm impressed so far, does nayone have experience upgrading the stock 6550 power tubes? Suggestions and or comments appreciated. I'm driving a pair of Meadowlark Osprey's and listen mainly to blues and classic rock.
Are KT 88's and 6550 interchangeable? I'm new to the tube scene. I ordered Electro Harmonix tubes to replace the Jolida labeled tubes in the pre amp which I'm sure are chinese in origin. That would give me all Electro Harmonix tubes at this point. Any suggestions?
Thanks ,

" Are KT 88's and 6550 interchangeable? I'm new to the tube scene."

Yes. There are some nos 6550's such as GE and Philips 6550's that are reasonalby priced and are wroth a try,

Thanks Larry. I saw at the tube store where the current electro harmonix power tubes are highly recommended. Maybe they aren't so bad after all.