Siltech G5 against the rest of the world.

I finally received the Siltech Compass lake G5 interconnects. They have an official price tag of $7500 per meter pair.I would recommend that we save ourselves from a discussion if this price will ever be justified for any cable. We all know that this is a stratospheric price level and hardly anybody will be able to afford such a cable.
But I have to admit that even the well known Valhalla stands beaten in its corner by this cable.
This cable has done great damage to me: It has shown what potential lies hidden in my system, and during the two days I was auditioning this cable, I have learned , that my system is capable of conveying an awesome rich, detailed, sound, which was hidden before I put these cables in.
It will be very tough to even go back to the Valhalla.
How can I can I keep on listening from now on with satisfaction, if I know that I am being kept from hearing the fine nuances which really justify the mane "high end" by using a lesser cable?
I think that my only chance lies in taking up a second mortgage and buy this cable eventually. I have to look at it from the only perspective possible: This is a lifetime investment, since I will never have to bother again about interconnects for the rest of my audiophile life.

Or does someone see another solution, which has somehow slipped by my attention, since I admit, I have become biased in my opinions recently?
I am presently auditioning a pair of Siltech G5 interconnects and speaker cables. These cables due outperform the Nordost and Fim. I presently own the FIM stuff which is excellent. But these cables are so life like it is incredible.They are matched with all Lamm electronics in my system.
Reminds me of what they used to say about cocaine. 'Siltech G5s are God's way of telling you that you have too much disposable income.'
Tgraffair, what is the name of the Siltech G5 speaker cables, you are auditioning?
And what was your impression when you comparing the FIM stuff against the Nordost Valhalla? Would you prefer the Valhalla or the FIM Gold?
This is all very interesting. I like to be open, as I stated the Wire I used was Gen 3, but I most likely would not go for the G5 even if I found it to be better. My reasoning is related to marketing. I (being an electrical engineer) am not comfortable with the notion that every 1 or 2 years a breakthrough is made which requires you to junk your previous world beater cable for the latest greatest. Not to pick on any manufacturers, but it reminds me of 1 high end tube manufac, who comes out with a REF product, then a REF 2, then a REF 2.2... A pattern starts to appear. I someitmes think the changes are previously developed and timed for release (revenue related of course). Just my musings...


Tekunda: I look forward to hearing your impressions on the Virtual Dynamics cable. (Just can't bring myself to refer to them as the "VD" cables) :)
