Amplifier Hum

I have a Classe CA-100 that I just purchased and there is a loud hum when I turn on the amp. My previous amp was an Acurus A100, which also had a hum, but not nearly as noticeable. What are some of the root cause of this hum? I assume it is electrical interfernece, but I am not sure from where. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Try using a "cheater plug" on the amp (converts from
three-prong to two-prong). Often a hum is due to
a ground loop and floating the ground will eliminate
the hum.
I too had a hum problem. T began by turning off my source components, still a hum, then my preamp still a hum. Tried a diffeent amp, still a hum. Changed out the cables from the amp to preamp hum was gone.
Though sometimes the hum might be just because it doesn't know the lyrics. :)
Check the A/c plug on the back of our amp...if there's a 3rd prong on the unit, that is more than likely the cause of your problem. The extra conector will generate a 60 hz cyle humm which may be coming through you cable TV...try disconnecting your cable vision and see if the problem does away. I had the same problem and the culprit was my cable which was not properly grounded. Unfortunately, the only workaround was to buy a cheater plug (which as I understand can be a fire hazard), OR purchase a Jenson transformer ground loop isolater. I picked one up off Ebay a few months ago for 50 dollars and the problem was solved immediately. Here is the part # VRD-1FF and here is the website to lern more about the product

Good luck
TDSPEP11, I just verified your AMP on the Classe website and it does have the 3rd connector which may be causing the ground loop problem that I refered to above. Again, try disconnecting your cable as a test.