Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2

Looking for insight from folk's who have compared these two pre's either head to head
in the same system (preferably) or experience with both in different systems.

I'm not looking at any other pre's at this time,
so please don't muddy up the thread with other pre's I should consider.

Thanks in advance...

Tgun5, I've heard tube dampeners can sometimes make the soundstage more closed in.
What say you?

More fun...

Well, this pre completely went in the shitter since I reported on 8/29.
Dare I say, almost unlistenable. I'd be better off with a Bose Waveradio at this point.
I wouldn't force my worst enemy to sit and listen to it! (LOL)
And this is over a couple of listening sessions. There is no doubt that the pre is the culprit,
as nothing else has changed in my system, and all other pieces in the chain are fully broken in.

This is most frustrating, so much so that if I had another pre on hand, I'd pull the Calypso out of my system. But I don't have another pre, so I have no choice but to ride this out.
My JC1's went through severe "mood swings" over the 1500 hour break-in period, which I painstakingly logged all hours so I knew what was what. So I can only assume that this pre is still going thru "changes." So, as of last night I'm leaving it on 24/7 with a signal running through it.

I have no clue how many hours are on the Calypso, as I've logged none.
Just reporting what I'm hearing...
Oh my!!! And just whenI was getting quite interested in this (Calypso) pre amp!! I currently have an ARC LS25 and Rhea Phono and was geting ready for a possible change....but I'll wait for your further reports.....good luck!!!
Steady Perfectionist. . . it is likely that your linestage is just undergoing a little pubescent crisis. As soon as it gets over those new exciting hormonal changes, you'll be able to reason with it once again. Be patient. . . and you won't have to wait until its 20th birthday either! (chuckles!)
The advantages to the tube dampers are immediately noticable and include better inner detail. I did not notice any negative effect, and if there was, it was much smaller than the improvement. Nice thing is - they don't need a break-in HEHE. (and they are inexpensive)

As far as your Calypso going through changes, let it burn!
When I did the tube changes, it took a good three weeks (and a lot of hours) to settle down. During that time, it went from glorious to terrible within hours. It will end, patience is the key here.