Wife stepping on speaker wire

I'm looking for a heavy duty, thick pair of speaker wire that she can see from a great distance. I have never come across a person that has no regard where she plops down her size 8's. Any suggestions would be a god send.
I would not ever leave any cables in contact with floors, I would suggest relocating the speakers so you can keep the speaker wire off the floor.
Be a man about (even at the risk of a marital dispute) and tell her how much those wires she's stepping on cost. Or, you could just raise the wires a few inches off the floor, with either home made supports or any of a number of commercially made cable supports as many dealers and cable makers advise us audiophiliacs to do.
Is there an consensus as to whether SC lifters make a difference
I've never detected any on wool or synthetic carpet or wood floors. A bit on concrete though but still not night or day.
Schubert, I don't know what SC lifters are, but I find porcelain isolator with glaze are clearly best. I have yet to find a cable including power cords that is not improved by being isolated. Furthermore, one per cable is best.
Tbg, SC= Speaker Cable.

Thanks for the info, never heard the one per cable before.
What make do you use?