What have you been listening to these five weeks?

It occurred to me today that New York City is quieter; since Sep. 11 the city has been noticeably and unquestionably quieter. It is a part of city living here to have various flavors of obnoxious, angry and often ridiculous rap music rammed down our ears on a somewhat regular basis. I don't refer to some of the more creative efforts of a handfull of talented hip hop artists; I mean the mindless, mechanical thud and obscenity that passes for music for some.

It seems that the seriousness of what has been going on here as of late has caused some of those who felt it was a right to force that kind tastelesness and anger on those around them, to be a bit more sensitive and respectfull.

This is clearly a time of difficult emotions, and speaking from personal experience and that of many around me, finding confort and solace in music is very important. I wondered what music or artists Audiogoners have been listening to lately and what reasons for making those choices there might be?

frogman: great question. just 2 of the pieces i've been listening to over the past 5 weeks are: (1) "the word," on ropeadope records; amazing gospel stuff that'll open your soul, no matter whom, if anyone, you look to as the last or most important prophet. (2) "love and theft," dylan's latest. i saw him perform much of this release last sunday eve at the denver coliseum. at age 60, he still be da' man. -cfb
Radka Toneff/Fairytales CD on ODIN records (Norway 1986). About as far away from our current world situation that can be imagined. More a transport to an unearthly delight (sonically too) than I should have a right to experience, at this troubled time in America.
David Gray/ White Ladder
Am finding no comfort in Anything classical,opera,jazz or instrumental. Dont know why. At times like these its gotta be introspective singer/songwriter stuff.
CFB ARE YOU MADD! Don't you know mixing Gospel with Dylan has been proven to cause extensive BRAIN DAMAGE! How do you think the Bee Gee's were formed?

I agree with Kelly or at least what use to be Kelly. Good topic, we need to talk about music more. I've got Tangerine Dream THE PINK YEARS in the transport right now, but it's starting to scare the cat! I just picked up Itzhak Perlman's G/H, Yo-Yo Ma EMANUEL AX, and Andres Segovia THE ROMANTIC GUITAR. The three discs sitting on top of my component stand are John Coltrane A LOVE SUPREME, Enya A DAY WITHOUT RAIN, and Cat Stevens TEA FOR THE TILLERMAN.