How BIG is yours?

That is, music collection. Seems like everyone is proud of their big (physically, cost-wise etc) stereo systems. I want to know how big your music collection is. I always ask when I conduct a transaction, half out of curiosity, half wondering whether to trust the sonic biases of someone who owns maybe fifty-sixty albums/CDs tops. I'll start: I have around 500 LPs and 1500 CDs, more and more of which are the excellent DCC Gold and XRCD variety. Would you rather spend $100 on trying music you haven't heard or trying a new power cord (no wrong answer here, I do both)?
I've got about 500 CD's and 1000 LP's. I would have TONS more vinyl but suffered through a house fire several years back. Needless to say, records do not take well to intense heat.

As to which i'd rather spend my money on, it has been rather lopsided lately. Measurably more gear than music, although i'm about to change that. I keep hearing stuff that i want to buy but somehow manage to forget about it when i'm either at the record shop or shopping on-line. Going to start making notes for myself. Getting old is hell on the memory. Can't wait till i'm 40 to see what begins to go then... : ) Sean
Sean- two things go at 40, one is the knees and I forget the other one.

On thread, about 300-400 of each.
"Can't wait till i'm 40 to see what begins to go then... "

You don't want to know...
I've been collecting since the late fiftees and I've stopped counting the LPs long ago. Mostly classical and Jazz though. Goes into many thousands and takes up lots of space. Everytime I had to move house, the movers thought me nuts, which I probably am. One of my dear friends remarked, that if I were to play one after the other without a break, I wouldn't go through a tenth of them before I was to kick the bucket. He's probably right. Cheers,