portishead, goldfrapp, looking for more ......

I am looking for female vocals that are warm smooth and sexy coupled with electronic music like portishead and goldfrapp. Does anyone have any recommendations? thanks for the help
You may want to try some of the more recent releases by Pram and Laika. Nice stuff...not quite trip-hop, but veering into the realm with a more abstract edge at times.One that came to mind as I type this (and it's not really a recommendation), is a fairly obscure band called Mauve Sideshow. Very obtuse & strange, very dark and highly abstract. I might have to dig that stuff out again for some late-night chills...
Zero 7 is an absolute must.

Check out this thread:



Protection by Massive Attack certainly qualifies. If you want to support "proudly made in the USA" (Washington DC to be more specific) highly recommended is the work of The Thievery Corporation, start with The mirror conspiracy. If you dig Middle Eastern flava with electronic overtones out of France the series of Buddha Bar albums are finally available on these shores. I prefer the second.
Hooverphonic. Their first album is their best, but you may like the subsequent, less guitar oriented albums. They also did a great rendition of "shake the disease". I would also recommend Curve. Again, their first (three) albums are the best, but "Come Clean", their fourth and still excellent album, is more closely related to what you describe. The vocals for Curve however, are icy and dark, not warm. You may also like Joydrop, but they are not in same league. Also look at Massive Attack's 'Teardrop' single and "Mezzanine".