Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,

I recently purchased some Cardas Golden cross sepaker cables. They replaced my Dh Lab Q10s. I replaced the Q10s because i was getting some upper mid freq brightness.
I have Golden Cross interconnects from preamp to amp and from cd player to pre amp. The sound is very smooth and detailed .The bass and mid bass is not as authorative or as tight. The highs are better - more detailed and smooth.
The problem is the sound is almost too smooth the bass is kind of rounded off now .The sound is less dynamic.
My Question is.
Is there an interconnect that could give me back that great bass and dynamics of that i had with the Q10s, without the harshness i was getting. I think i would like to keep the Golden Cross speaker cables and try changing the ICs. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
03-12-13: Geoffkait
Sound in my system is open, dynamic with exquisite detail and terrific soundstaging.

Hey enjoy them, that's why they make so many different flavors. I know many audiophiles who love that immediacy, that feeling of being transported to the front row, however, that's not my cup 'o tea. I bought the Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval after doing much research through various websites. Most talked about it's tonal qualities, which I concur are very good. No one seems to mention it's soundstage perspective though.

I like that mid-hall, laid back presentation that cables like Purist Audio, Tara Labs, Jade Audio and Stealth Audio present. I understand that what I like, others may not. I just feel that it is fair to mention, to save others in the future, from having to buy and then turn around and sell these cables like I did.

You can't just say terrific soundstaging, that's like saying sounds great. It's too vague. It doesn't tell me if the cable is musical or transparent. I understand that you love the soundstaging capabilities of the Analysis Plus cables, and that's great. What that says to me is that you enjoy the immediacy of their soundstage presentation as opposed to the laid back soundstage that I am looking for.

I'm not saying that my way is the only way, I'm just trying to help others understand different directions of sound in cables. Warm vs. Transparent tone, or somewhere in between. Soundstage is either deep or forward or somewhere in between.
Hi Grey9hound,another gentleman in another thread has me being his cable broker LOL!,so I will be yours too,The very wise jmcgrogan2 brought to my attention xlr to rca adapters,there are some well made gold plated adapters in the i/c section of the gon for $30.00!,then at the same time this is your golden chance to be in the tara family,the air 1 series 2 1.5 meters i/c for $480.00, a deal!these are $1,700.00 new!,then there is another air 1 series 2 on the gon for $650.00,if you can find the means you better jump on the awsome deal of $480.00,the i/c called the one is 2 times better than the air 1!,but I believe it is alot better than most cables costing the same retail vs retail!,this air 1 would blow the doors off the analysis plus cable you are not happy with!remember, 300 hrs of break-in before you make your evaluations of this cable!,grey9hound,this is a great opportunity to save alot of money and get some decent bass and slam you are seeking!goodluck on buying this cable,with the adapters,I would! cheers!
@ Grey9hound,dude!,those are some pretty good speakers!,92 sensetivity! 6ohms!,man-o-man!it is defiantly not the speakers that are the problem!,you need to know what two speaker post are the primary two of the four,you could not have had directional jumpers!on most bi-amp speakers,the post that drive the woofers are the bottom primary post,then you turn the signal going from there, directing to the top post,if they drive the mids and highs,with directional jumpers,if the top post drive the woofers?,reverse the whole scenerio.there is no way that directional jumpers will not work!If I were there i would fix till it was fixed!,LOL!the post that drive the woofers should be the primary post.,you should of heard my system when I turned the jumpers the wrong way!screwed!the sound was terrible,like the description you gave with the way you used the jumpers,or they were not quality jumpers!,oh,jumpers take as long to break-in as speaker cables,mmmmyep!300 hrs should do!cheers!
@ grey9hound,what are you talking about?,waite a minute,I'm not that dumb!LOL!Ok,I will take a look,thanks grey9hound.