Guitar beginner question

I'm looking for beginner's electric guitar that I want to practice on blues, jazz and some rock.
My main influence guitar players are Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix in the blues side and Mike Stern on the jazz side.
How much money am I looking to spend?
Can I use e-guitar through home speakers and how?
Pretty much with Dem, BUY USED and buy the best you can afford. Hardest thing is the world is to want to practice on a guitar that makes it difficult. I play and won't play a guitar or any instrument I don't like. Also, a musical instrument is the one thing I would most assuredly avoid buying online. Can be the same year, make, and model with consecutive serial #'s, but feel and play entirely different. Don't attempt to run it through your home stereo unless you really know what you are doing,go ahead and buy a guitar amp. You get more of an electric sound(plus you can get reverb, chorusing, overdrive all built in) and you will be taking away the likelihood of damage to your home stereo, because one slight foul up and you will be popping a tweeter in a home system.
I would suggest, only a suggestion, but if you are starting out, it might behoove you to to look at an acoustic electric. Takamine and Seagull make a couple of nice ones, all available used, though in most cases not as easy to come by as an electric.
That way to practice you don't have to plug it in and you can practice anywhere. Some of the best blues playing in the world is on Clapton's Unplugged, and that is on an acoustic Martin. . I think the Seagull Artist series cutaway(why yes, I do own one)is one of the best playing acoustic electrc cutaways I have played for the money. Good luck and good playing.
Check out for some nice used guitars from a VERY reputable dealer. The guys there will give you honest advice/evaluations & you can mail it back if you don't like it. I would go for a used 1996+ fender strat or an older japanese strat. ESP 400's were pretty nice too.

I just took a look at their web site, I like :

DANELECTRO 56 U3 REISSUE $245 (not a fender copy)
FENDER LONE STAR STRATOCASTER (1997)$700.00 (good quality)
FENDER CALIFORNIA STRATOCASTER (1997) $475 (ok/good quality)
G&L LEGACY $545.00 ( good quality but hard to resell )
TOM ANDERSON CLASSIC (1997) $1150 (top quality)

Of the above guitars I would personally spend the bucks and buy the tom anderson. That's what I own and it's head and shoulders better than my former ($800 new street price) fender american standard strat. They're handmade, sound like vintage strats, and are very easy to play. You'll have more capital invested but it will not lose value nor will it need much maintenance. Tom Anderson and crew only complete two each day. Beware that cheap guitars need quite a bit more maintenance than quality guitars.

For an amp, I highly recommend a new $75(?) pignose amp. If you want something with tube tone, try some of the fender hot rod series tube amps (300-500).
Just a suggestion for a new guitar, Cort Matt Murphy model is nice, the p.u.s can be split to get both single coil and humbucker type sound. Body is in wood similar to mahagony in density, neck is comfortable (at leat to me) fretwork is nice. The big head gives good sustain. I still kick myself thinking I could have gotten a brand new one for $549. CDN but my wife said the colour was ugly, reminded her of sponge toffee. Never ask your wife or girlfriend what they think of components or guitars. Even if you don't agree with their position, it will play on your mind, By the way, get yourself a tube amp. My recommendation: Fender Blues Junior. Oh, and unless you are truly gifted, don't expect to sound like B.B., SRV or Gatemouth Brown any time soon. Good luck in your endeavours in the new year. Regards, from a mid-fi kind of guy.
The best piece of advice given so far is go out and play a bunch of guitars to: A) get a feel for what type of finger board scale you like. Fenders are way different in feel than gibson types. It took about 15 years of playing before i figured out how to live with a fender. B) after you think you know what type of guitar you want you need to find that particular one that you can "be friends with". I've owned a bunch of Les Pauls and there is one '78 standard that is still near and dear to me (made during the the bad years of gibson if you believe the stereotypes)and it killed all others before and since in tone and playability. I've also played cheap mexi-fenders that were killer and bested the $1200 american a lot of them and be patient. I traded a new gibson firebird for an 2nd epiphone johnny smith because i couldn't form a bond with the former and fell in love with the latter despite getting killed financially on the deal(and i love firebirds). Moral of overly long story: you will know when you find the right piece. Play it un plugged. Is it resonant and alive? If it's dead unplugged no amp is going to save it. If it seems like you are 90% there but it don't play quite have it set up. A god (that was a typo but on reflection, accurate)tech can make an alright piece killer with a 2 minute truss rod/action adjustment worry about intonation later. If you go epiphone or mexi/jap fender plan on less than $300 new and $around $150-200 used. Epiphones should get you for about $600 or less new for the 335 sytle to less than $300 for some of the solid body lines (take a copy of musicians friend along with you for mail order prices and go to a pro oriented shop rather than one that sells grand pianos along with a couple of squire strats. Get a cheap practice amp. Your home speakers should be able to handle your guitar but you will need a direct box or something like a line 6 pod to use as a pre-amp into your stereo (I'm not a modeling amp person but for the cash a pod and a pair of headphones is an unbeatable practice combination period end of discussion) Sorry for the disertation mut you've hit me in my true love. my guitar collection is worth a bunch more than my high end is a TRUE addiction. I Think of myself as a caretaker of fine instruments, not an owner. good luck and feel free to email me with any questions