Time Life Classic Jazz

This morning while reading the newspaper and listening to ESPN, the commercial for this collection came on again. I flipped over to the Time Life web site and took a look at it. It is one of their typical buy the first two discs, then get another disc every month. The total set consists of 10 discs for a total of about $110 currently "on sale" for about $94.

Has anyone listened to any of these discs? If not has anyone listened to any of the other Time Life discs? What is the quality of these recordings? Thanks :-) Doug
I want to generalize if appropriate:

I've had baaad experiences buying boxed sets since most-likely this is not a remastering but rather re-re-re-remastering of previous releases to make a compilation so that you can play it on some mega disk changer or car player(god forbid to play it on a descent component setup). I was crazy to buy a Led Zep boxed set and was extreamly dissapointed with the quality of these CDs. After all I avoid buying any compilations(except movie soundtracks sometimes they're great) or boxed sets.

And after all 10 discs for $94 isn't such a great deal for the boxed set -- still tooo much.
Another source for those wetting their whistle in jazz is to use your local library. The slections obviously vary from town to town, but the price is right. In my area, when I run into a new name I want to investigate I can just log on via the net or dialup, see what's in the county-wide system, have it delivered to my local branch, and get an email notifying me when it's in!
I just picked up the Time life jazz first two cd's. Keep in mind this is my very first jazz cd but I am very pleased with them. The recording are great and it offers an excellent selection of artists. I will post all the artist and songs when I get home.