Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,

I recently purchased some Cardas Golden cross sepaker cables. They replaced my Dh Lab Q10s. I replaced the Q10s because i was getting some upper mid freq brightness.
I have Golden Cross interconnects from preamp to amp and from cd player to pre amp. The sound is very smooth and detailed .The bass and mid bass is not as authorative or as tight. The highs are better - more detailed and smooth.
The problem is the sound is almost too smooth the bass is kind of rounded off now .The sound is less dynamic.
My Question is.
Is there an interconnect that could give me back that great bass and dynamics of that i had with the Q10s, without the harshness i was getting. I think i would like to keep the Golden Cross speaker cables and try changing the ICs. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Ok Keith I was just pokin at ya with the 57 joke! Hope you had a fun time on your B Day buddy.

I think Dennis would be better off with a McCormack DNA 1 Deluxe and some Tara Labs jumpers!!!! How bout it? Thoughts? Can we spend his money for him? Diving boards are dangerous...causes insurance premium to go way up too! Money better spent on audio gear and music IMO! Hehe

Guess I the baby of our thread over there. Really enjoy all you fellows!
@ waxwaves,,, Ha,Ha,Ha!,, Dude, you made me pop a top on a Budice and laugh out of my chair!,, you are a nut!, thats way cool for me, hell, the wife cant make me laugh the way you do!, the context you put things is over the top!I understand about the diving board,I do not know if Dennis will take to kindly of us spending his money on his system,Ha!, when he decides to get an amp,and he wants our opinion, we can all shoot him some ideas!He already knows I would like him to use his speaker cables with jumpers, He can with another amp, He told me not this amp he has now!,so, I respect his wishes!, the only way he can get that full tara sound like you have,, Is to run two pairs of the Air 1 speaker cables with his current amp!,, Lets see if he likes the cable first,, LOL!, then waxwaves I will unleash you to spend his money,LOL!,, BTW,,here is something I want the both of you to look at,, It reminds me how a Krell 700cx will keep going!,,Bing or goggle this,, now its a audiogon thread!,, Does your Equipment keep going.....,,, this should make you guys laugh!,, Hit the video, and watch the video in its entirity!, then tell me your thoughts, Ha,Ha,Ha!,,,,,,cheers!
Well Waxwaves, That diving board may have to wait after all.
Found out that my 2004 Kawasaki Vulcan 2000 has a dead Power Commander .Thats 300 bucks. I would just not worry about it , BUT the guy that had the bike before me added Vance and Hines Exhaust and K&N Air filter. This allows for much more air flow , but because of that you have to add more fuel, the reason for needing the Power Commander.
Right now since it is dead , i am running way too lean. The bike wants to jerk when you let off the gas and when you put it on because its too lean (not enough fuel in the mix). Just ordered one of those . OUCH
Daughter has to have her wisdom teeth cut out .
Damn there goes a thousand after insurance.
Kids are expensive .
She is in college too. One more year and she Graduates .
Hopefully she graduates !!
Damn Grey9hound!, You have alot of exspenses!, your daughter is lucky you take care of her!, My mom said, you are grown, go into the world and make something of your self!, I was 18 years old when that happened, been on my on ever since!, I do not have kids!, the wife does!, her kids live with her grandma currently!, never lived with us!,yipeee!,, still in all, I have done without alot to get my audio!, Iresponsible!, maybe!, My system comes before everything!, period!, thats my priority!, not everyone can do that!, you will get it all together,I believe in you Dennis, whole heartly!,, cheers!