why are some cd's so bright sounding

I just purchased Jewel's and Chris Isaac's newest releases and can't believe how bright they sound compared to their older stuff. What is up with that? I love the songs but can't stand to listen to the harsh sounds on my setup.
It is alarming how many higher end car manufacturers are using Bose as their OEM stereo. So, my theory is, with all these Audi and Mercedes on the road with such crappy stereos, softwares need emphasis in the highs which would compensate for most stereos' crappiness.

I speak in jest, ofcourse. My other theory is most software companies care more about their bottom line than quality of sound.
I briefly logged onto the linkwitzlab site. hey Albert and hime design, you often make lots of have lots of sense. Can you translate this into linkwitz's dollars?
I think all new cars should not have radios at all--they are junk!

Bose--are Bose'
It's not a question of "quality" or how much time is spent in mastering the release. The CD sounds that way because the engineer wanted it that way, and the reason is to sound better on non-HI FI playback equipment. Suggestion...use your tone controls. That's what they are there for.