Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,

I recently purchased some Cardas Golden cross sepaker cables. They replaced my Dh Lab Q10s. I replaced the Q10s because i was getting some upper mid freq brightness.
I have Golden Cross interconnects from preamp to amp and from cd player to pre amp. The sound is very smooth and detailed .The bass and mid bass is not as authorative or as tight. The highs are better - more detailed and smooth.
The problem is the sound is almost too smooth the bass is kind of rounded off now .The sound is less dynamic.
My Question is.
Is there an interconnect that could give me back that great bass and dynamics of that i had with the Q10s, without the harshness i was getting. I think i would like to keep the Golden Cross speaker cables and try changing the ICs. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Tbg, I'm sure several politicians would take exception to my opinion that "politicians are all crooks" too. I have my own opinions, I don't pull any punches, and quite frankly, I don't care if any reviewers get their panties in a bunch over my statement.

If what I say offends you, I apologize. I stand by my opinion of professional reviewers though. :)
Jmcgrogan2, and you, of course, would understand that I think you paint both reviewers and politicians with too broad a brush. But I do also think largely free or actually free publication are under too much advertiser pressure. I much preferred the advertising free Stereophile and TAS, when subscription alone paid for the magazine.
05-02-13: Tbg
Jmcgrogan2, and you, of course, would understand that I think you paint both reviewers and politicians with too broad a brush. But I do also think largely free or actually free publication are under too much advertiser pressure. I much preferred the advertising free Stereophile and TAS, when subscription alone paid for the magazine.

I understand what you are saying, there is a possibility that all are not on the take. Just like the old Pretty woman story, looking for a hooker with a heart of gold. There are exceptions to every rule.

I also agree that Stereophile and TAS were much better reads years ago, before they sold their souls to the advertisers.
That was the days I had my subscriptions, when the subscription alone paid for the magazine!, Believe it or not, back in the mid to late 90s, I use to think of those mags, sterophile and absolute sound as the holy bible of Audio!, I have not looked at one in years!, they are not that exspensive to subscribe now?, like john said, could fuel desires of more or new equipment, who cares, right?,, we all are going to do that eanyway!, So, I should get a heads-up with desires thru the mags,LOL!,, cheers!