Waxwaves loves the blues too!!! Got a killer copy of Muddy Waters "Electric Mud". Buddy Guy &Junior Wells? Jimmy Reed? Taj Mahal....Anybody here heard of The Nighthawks? Another of my favs in the blues genre. They play Down Home in Johnson City every year which is close to me in wonderful Johnson City, TN. Down Home has an excellent sound system BTW.
Come on Keith, lick those wounds and get back out here. You are loved even if you do listen to Nickelback buddy... Dennis is chomping at the bit to hear what is in your cd collection!!
Anybody use Black Diamond Racing isolation cones? Just got a couple sets of MkIII and I really like them!
Also still in love with my Air series Tara Labs!!! Awesome stuff by most folks standards I am sure of it.
Come on Keith, lick those wounds and get back out here. You are loved even if you do listen to Nickelback buddy... Dennis is chomping at the bit to hear what is in your cd collection!!
Anybody use Black Diamond Racing isolation cones? Just got a couple sets of MkIII and I really like them!
Also still in love with my Air series Tara Labs!!! Awesome stuff by most folks standards I am sure of it.