@ jmcgrogan2, I would like to get an a/c cord for the Krell, However, This model series is the only one that is hardwired with this huge,thick stock a/c power cord that could pass for an after market power cord!,Krell did this from 2001 to 2006, most a/c power cords sounded like crap on the Krell amps, so they had a american cable company make and match the amps and hard wired them!, All the other Krell amps before and after have a detachable a/c power cord!, And I have to admit, That Krell was correct with their statement regarding after market power cords!, I tried about 20 different power cords from the cable company in the mid 90s, none of them sounded better than the stock cord!, the price range was up to $2,000.00 for a 6ft power cord that me and a group of friends rented together!, so, I am very skeptical of power cords for a Krell!,, cheers!