Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,

I recently purchased some Cardas Golden cross sepaker cables. They replaced my Dh Lab Q10s. I replaced the Q10s because i was getting some upper mid freq brightness.
I have Golden Cross interconnects from preamp to amp and from cd player to pre amp. The sound is very smooth and detailed .The bass and mid bass is not as authorative or as tight. The highs are better - more detailed and smooth.
The problem is the sound is almost too smooth the bass is kind of rounded off now .The sound is less dynamic.
My Question is.
Is there an interconnect that could give me back that great bass and dynamics of that i had with the Q10s, without the harshness i was getting. I think i would like to keep the Golden Cross speaker cables and try changing the ICs. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Wow, I can't believe they made you build that that crate for shipping, then they want to charge you for a new shipping box. What the Hell?
I understand about the finances . It is going to take me a while to get caught up.I have spent money for a new Power Commander for My Vulcan 2000, Viking saddlebags, new diving board, and I had a problem with my sand filter spitting sand in the pool. I Found out the pipe for the laterals was broken. I bought a new valve and new laterals and pipe and put in new sand .
Now i am broke !
Hey Gents, sorry I have been MIA, looks like I missed out on alot of ACTION! LOL!!

I have been busy with all kinds of crap, but there has been music playing most of the time, thank God!

First of all, I gotta say the new amp is a serious bad ass and at the same time so pleasant to hear. It is supremely musical(yes.. I said musical, you know, makes you wanna tap your toes or actually get up off your ass and dance around!)and lovely sounding, yet mega detailed, resolute, and powerful too. I feel very involved in the recorded music folks. The McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe Gold edition just has heart and soul man! What else can I say, I love it. It mates so well with my Hales Revelation Three and the rest of the system too. That is what I am really exited about!!

@Audiolab, I will admit...the Tara Labs Decade power cable may not have been used for 300hrs on the amp before I moved it from the amp and to the TLC-1 Deluxe outboard power supply. That's because I felt like it's hot sonic signature would probably not cut the mustard with this big amplifier even after break in.

Here's the good news Keith!!! It sounds wonderful for digital, preamp, and on the phono amp too.

The Bad News: I ascertain that the Decade pc does not have enough "balls" for my power amp. When the Tara Decade was on the big amp, the sound was super articulate with an amazing wide presentation, every instrument, voice, etc separated in its own space. Just an amazing presentation of the tunes! BUT, to my ears it lacked a sense of thickness, bloom, and full-bodied sound in the lower end that we all want. It had awesome tight and deep bass but something was missing down there. There was a THINNESS to the sound that I CAN'T DEAL WITH. I think the design of the cable leans towards a big presentation, a wide/deep soundstage thing that Tara Labs cables do so well. In order to have this type of presentation, IMO, the lower mids and upper bass usually suffers.

What we have been describing here on these threads as "full bodied" or warm is the Signal Cable Magic Power Cable that I use with the amp now. I will go so far as to say this pc is "very impressive" for the cost!!! It lacks the beautiful crystalline picture that the Tara Decade pc paints, and yes there is a veil or haze over the music in a way. BUT... it has balls the size of a bull and it gives the full bodied sound the the rest of my Tara Air 1 cabling needs to sound it's best!

I really do think the Tara Labs cables are the BOMB! I mean they really can help a good system to sound amazing! They are designed to amaze the listener! I also believe that in order for them to sound best you may need some warmer, more full bodied power cable or interconnect cable thrown into the mix. The full Tara sound in my experience and in my system is almost to hot to handle!!
I can add to my last post by saying that I do not have a top of the line Tara Labs cable setup with Zero Gold, Omega Gold and Cobalt pc. Not even the One or 0.8. If I did, I would probably be amazed by the "full on Tara Labs sound" with a "full loom" of these great cables that may be the best on earth. I have in my system the lower down the Tara Labs line Air 1 and Air 2 model ics and Air 1 speaker cable.

I love what the Air 1 and 2 cable has allowed my system to do sonically! I will say again that my system sounds even better with a well balanced sounding power cable or a warmer more full bodied sounding power cable in the mix.

I REALLY LOVE the sound of my system with Tara Labs cables in the speaker cable slot and in the interconnect between preamp and amp spot!!! This is where the Tara cables shine IMO!

The LAT International AC-2 MkII power cables I use are very well balanced sounding and quiet, especially with Oyaide rhodium plated connectors. The Signal Cable Magic Power cable I use is a warm and full bodied sounding copper cable with slightly veiled mid range and highs. These 2 power cables seem to give weight and balance were needed, and help to create an extremely enjoyable sound when used with my Tara Labs Air 1 series 2 ics and Tara Labs Air 1 speaker cable that sound very resolving and airy with huge 3d holographic presentation of the music!

In summary, I think too much of a good thing is often too much of a good thing! So, maybe a "Full Tara Loom" would be too hot and chaotic sounding for most folks? UNLESS maybe you have 0.8 or higher up the Tara Labs line, which I have not had the pleasure yet.
@ waxwaves, Very cool write up!, good or bad!, you need the Taralabs the one a/c power cord!, I did tell you that from the beginning!, for your amp, Thou the Decade can handle your amp!, I did tell you up-front it did not have the bass or body!, every thing else sounds great, remember me telling you that!,, sometimes we have to bite the bullet and spend more money on a cable waxwaves!, thats if you want to use Taralabs!, you have alot to catch up too!, there has been three people between the two threads that have full loom Taralabs cables, from the one on down with good effect!, they love them!, and have had the set-up a very long time!, Happy listening!
@ Isochronism, The reason I asked if you have tube products, Is most likly you would know about tubes,LOL!, I would like to know if you know of any digital players that are none 6h30 tubes players, that use a different type tube all together that can be run direct to amplifier?, and If not, do you know much about modright?, Do you think it may be possible for a mod company like Modright to modify An Ayon 2s player that uses the 6h30 tubes inside to be reworked to use a different type of tubes?,, thanks, Cheers!