Ligeti, Messiaen, Penderecki and so on.

There doesn't seem to be much by way of Neue Musik in the archived threads. Shall we get one going on this contemporary niche?

Comments/sugg'ns re literature, interpretations or just stuff from bookmark files etc. are all welcome. A first post will follow shortly.
Lately, I have been listening to John Adams - Naive and Sentimental Music. It has an enormous dynamic range and is interspersed with quiet, contemplative, and ambient sections. I think one could compare the essence of nature invoked in some passages with parts of the Sibelius Tone Poems released recently on Naxos. Unlike some modern music, this Adams recording can be listened to with other people in the house (but watch the volume on the percussive accents!).
Flex: I am very grateful for your kind recommendations and specificity. I feel very much that -certainly as regards contemporary classical- our musical tastes significantly overlap (but you are much further along). Thank you for the benefit of your knowledge. Rautavaara- wow!

(For anyone interested, some quicklinks to bkgrnd, etc after some of the above rec'ns & contribs to be posted later.)

Incidentally, among my favorites are also the Str Q of Shostakovich - + Kurtág's
Music for Strings... for choral work Ligeti... I lament that more chamber works like Schoenberg's Kammersymphonie N 2 Op.38 are not easy to find. I also like the compactness of Berg & Webern's shorter works (e.g. Berg's 3 Pieces for Orchestra). Reaching further back, even the understatement of some of Bach's Orgel-Büchlein seem an interesting precursor of minimalism.
Agon, thank you for your kind words. I have been learning from this thread too...out hunting for more Schnittke and Segerstam. Exchange of music is one of the best aspects of Audiogon.
Indeed, and I hope others will continue to post comments, etc. re new music on the board - but I have to go shopping now too...

Schubert's Sym N 8 - also known as "Die Unvollendete"/"Unfinished".
Neue Musik - an incomplete blog based on music mentions in this thread.
Agonanon: Ah! Schubert's No.8.......For something a little
off the beaten path, try a recreated No.7 and No.10. Both
are from part scores that were orchestrated by Berbould.
The No.10's second movement(only 3), was almost Mahlerian
in sublimity, shows where the composer was headed.

New/Art Music: Berio's Voci II, Kim Kashashian, viola.
ECM New Series. Hard to understand, and at times extremely
dissonant, but worth pursuing if you like Kim's viola
playing (which I do, she plays Brahms' Opus 120, clarinet/
viola sonatas, with a rich, warm tone)