Hi Brytonuser, I have had 550L, 770i and the Princess, and was able to A/B the Princess in the context of 550L speaker cable. At the time I was using a Sugden IA4, Ayon CD3s and a pair of Totem One limited edition model, I may have had my pair of Totem Embers to hand at that point too but can't be sure. Anyhow I can tell you that the difference between the 770i and Princess was stark. The 770i is excellent and nothing seemed amiss until the Princess was installed, suddenly it was clear that the 770i seemed lacking in the bass and seemed to be more tipped up at the high end and somewhat thinner, something I could never have guessed without having the Princess to compare it with. Oddly, resolution seemed higher with the 770i, but this was infact an illusion created by the overall balance of the cable highlighting the leading edge of the music more in comparison to the micro details/harmonics, whereas with the Princess the balance between micro/macro details were very obviously more in harmony, and there was substantially more structure to both with the Princess. Having experienced this and also endured the burn in process with the Princess, I can see how the Princess may not impress that much following the initial wow period which lasted a couple of days. However, after 300/400 hours of using the Princess I knew it would be impossible to return to the 770i. I hope this helps.