Which artists do you just not get?

I love folk. I love rock n roll. I love jazz, classical, C&W, blues and bluegrass.

At the risk of being labeled a troglodyte, a philestine, or worse, I've never been able to listen to Bob Dylan without getting a headache. Reminds me of a cat and a chalk board. Same goes for The Grateful Dead. Maybe I wasn't doing the right drugs or something.

Who else has the courage to admit to disliking music that vast portions of the population seems to go gag-ga over?

Rule number 1, Don't get personal or call other posters names because they just dissed your favorite artist.

Rule number 2, keep it civil.

Rule number 3 - HAVE FUN!
Most gazillionaires have a time honored method for keeping in touch with the beat on the street: they quiz their chauffeurs! :^)
cpdunn99 - what don't you get about Coltrane the man? that's a very interesting comment. i'm very curious. i might agree even! please let me know. (do you like his music but just dont get him as a person? his philosophy of music, the way he lived his life??) i really am interested, not looking for an argument at all.
Campbell speaks the truth again. have you been meditating or reading the krishnamurti again? i also think springsteen is sincere. Bono is another story all together.

rock virgo referenced limos in regard to these super rich musicians who started in poverty: springsteen once said he doesn't like riding in a limo. he said it's only fun when you know you're not supposed to be in one. that's thinking a long time back for him but at least he still gets it.

Tom waits is someone who really HAS avoided the pitfalls of success and remained humble, always experimenting with his music, pushing himself, unconcerned with public reaction and certainly unconcerned with the way he dresses (joan rivers wont be asking him from what designer he got his tux from anytime soon.)
Opera for sure. I really cannot see what there is to listening to something I need a program to tell me what is being said. I can appreciate the range which some of the singers can hit, but I cannot see anything on it besides that. Most C&W I do not like either and the syuff that is out today is R&R Country. I could appreciate Hank Williams that was Country to me.

FOr Rock I have not come to understand much of Radiohead ,but I have just started to listen to it.The Dead I really do not see much in,but there are a few songs I can appreciate. Never got into the whole Dead scene though ,guess it just went right over my head without stopping to say hey Dude!

Dave Matthews has a few good tunes like "don't drink the water", but the rest go nowhere to me.

The ENYA thing is really stupid to me! Sounds like Mumbles and a woman having an orgasm on drugs! Maybe 1 song I can tolerate. The Cranberries remind me of Enya , but at least they have a voice with words. Kinda having an Orgasm with words.

Some of this stuff I will still try to listen to the stuff with the exception of Opera.

I could make a whole list, but I will stop banging the drum!