Classic rock album covers

Is it illegal to make copies of album covers and sell as art? I have made some really cool wall art ( I dont know what else to call it ) and my friends always want me to do their favorite old lps for them to put in their home, listening rooms and even their offices.

Is there such a thing as free domain after a period of years? Are most of these people even alive ( remember it was mostly the 70's) or does it go back to the evil empires ...the record lables. Would this infringe on copywrite laws?

I have a 60k color printer and access to all paper stocks for a really impressive look ...

Give me some advice

Does anyone remember the album cover, maybe 1972-not sure, by a group called "Moms Apple Pie"
Remember Poco, the 70's country rock band? Timothy B. Schmidt, their bass player/singer went on to the Eagles. Several of Poco's album covers were designed by the late, great Phil Hartmann of Saturday Night Live and stand-up comedy fame. Before he got into comedy, he was a graphic artist in LA.

There were two versions of the Mom's Apple Pie cover. The first was without the black suits looking in the window. They were added after some hassle with authorities. The addition of a tear running down the woman's cheek was also added at the same time. I have both.
Minimalist choice: the white album. I have been a fan of the Yes LP covers. Sometimes they were better than the music.