Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique; recommendations....

Can someone please recommend a particular recording/CD? There are sooo many CD's to choose from and I dont want to buy a lemon. Thanks in advance.
The new SACD Hybrid release on Telarc with Jarvi conducting the Cincinnati is surprisingly good. It is recorded extremely well and the performance is top notch.

For another suggestion, you might also want to get the RCA Living Stereo release of Charles Munch conducting the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
Sir Thomas Beecham and Jean Martinon performance versions are my recommendations.

Sir Thomas Beecham and the ORTF performed the Sym. Fantastique with a melancholy and relayed the dream like state of this work very well. The sound is more than acceptable, but do not expect audio demonstration quality.

Jean Martinon also performed the same piece with the ORTF and delivered an equally stunning performance.

The links are included for your reference, but I do NOT endorse Tower Records.
