Good Jazz/Vocal Reference CD Recommendations?

I'm a big fan of Jazz/Vocal/Classical music and am in a never-ending quest of good reference CDs to bring out the best of my humble system. Any suggestions?

How about those Stereophile reference CD's? Anyone has any experience with them? Are they worth it? Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

Current system:
VAC Avatar Integrated Tube Amp
Sonus Faber Grand Piano Speakers
Rega Planet 2000 CD Player
Nordost Blue Heaven IC & Bi-wired Speaker Cables
Here is one more. This is not a reference quality recording sonically, but it is very, very good even by today's standards.

"Alexandria the Great" Lorez Alexandria

This is a reissue of a recording originally done in the 60's, I believe, by a relatively unknown jazz singer.
She has a wonderful voice which is clear and sweet, but doesn't lack for jazz phrasing like some of the current top selling female vocalists of today. I heard this CD in the record store over their sound system and I knew that I had to get it. I wondered who is this woman and why I never had ever heard of her before. In my opinion, she ought to rank in the top 10 jazz singers of the last 50 years, based on her performance on this CD alone. As I indicated, the CD is not reference sonic quality by today's standard, but very, very good.
Stacey Kent - although I prefer the music on "Let Yourself Go," the recording of "Dreamsville" is just gorgeous.
"Belly of the Sun" - Cassandra Wilson is good.
However these two will always be a part of my listening preferences:
"Homage to Duke" - Dave Grusin
"The Gershwin Connection" Dave Grusin

And surprisingly I really enjoy (well recorded) Willie Nelson's album "Across the Borderline"
I'm NOT a country fan.